Back I tells YA!

I am currently working part time selling mens clothing. I do this to help support myself and my 345 small children. God has blessed me with procreation abilities of ten men who just got out of prison. I work , go to school, and raise my many, many children.

Seeing as I work in a clothing store it is important for me to stay current and fashionable in my styles. here is a photo of me in my hip new outfit.

This outfit can be yours too, all it takes is a good sense of fashion, a tolerance to moth balls, and the ability to talk with to people at Good Will. THIS SPACE FOR RENT


Life is too hard on your soul. We all need to take control at one point in time and just laugh. The government can tax us for everything but they can't tax our furry Canadian butts for laughing can they. ( I should'nt give them ideas!) So remember to stay real and stay groovy. Life is like a box of chocolates you never know when your going to bite into that discusting orange crappy one! Soooooooooooooooooooo, if after going through this web site, you think I am crazy... you are probably right. What is even worse is that my teacher is marking me on this. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Kinky is a feather, perverted is a chicken. don't forget to check out my links.




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